Rubrics and their length

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The list of top ten longest rubrics in Kents repertory:

Chapter – COUGH Rubric – LYING aggravation face, great rattling of mucus, which appears to be low down in chest, while cough does not seem to reach there, only to throat-pit, consequently hard cough does not reach phlegm unless he lie on his face when he brings up a greenish-yellow or a pale greenish-yellow gelatinous mucus without taste (313 alphabets)

Chapter – COUGH Rubric – CROUPY with sopor, stertorous breathing and wheezing, with open mouth and head thrown back; the child starts up, kicks about, is on point of suffocating, turns black and blue in face, after which cough with rattling breathing sets in again, suffocations and paralysis, of lungs appear unavoidable (295 alphabets)

Chapter – HEAD Rubric – PAIN Bursting Occiput extending to top of head, is so severe she thinks head will burst and she will go crazy over head, beginning in upper cervical region, causing bursting pain in forehead and eyeballs aggravation 10 a.m. while lying, nausea, cold sweat and cold feet (265 alphabets)

Chapter – HEAD Rubric – PAIN Torn, as if brain aches as if torn to pieces, morning on rising, aggravation motion, amelioration rest and warmth; passes of with much yawning as if torn or beaten to pieces, aggravation moving eyes or sitting up in bed, amelioration moderate exercise (253 alphabets)

Chapter – URINARY ORGANS Rubric – URINATION dysuria pain in the sphincter vesicæ, with hyperesthesia of the skin down the course of the left sciatic nerve, pain in the left popliteus and hell, with coldness creeping over the whole course of the nerve, especially in the hell (238 alphabets)

Chapter – COUGH Rubric – INSPIRATION crowing, violent, spasmodic cough, commencing with gasping for breath, and continuing with repeated crowing inspirations till face becomes black or purple and patient exhausted, aggravation night and after a meal (223 alphabets)

Chapter – URINARY ORGANS Rubric – URINATION retarded, must wait for urine to start press, must, a long time before he can begin continue to, must, if he stops to breathe the urine ceases to flow until he strains again must, to pass the last part (207 alphabets)

Chapter – HEAD Rubric – PAIN Shooting Forehead over eyes violent shooting pains from root of nose along left orbital arch to external angle of eye, with dim sight; begins in morning, increases till noon, and ceases toward evening (201 alphabets)

Chapter – HEAD Rubric – PAIN Torn, as if brain aches as if torn to pieces, morning on rising, aggravation motion, amelioration rest and warmth; passes of with much yawning as if clasped by a hand and were being torn and twisted (200 alphabets)

Chapter – URINARY ORGANS Rubric – URINATION retarded, must wait for urine to start press, must, a long time before he can begin painful and frequent urination with disposition to sit and strain a long time, after which few drops pass (196 alphabets)

The list of top ten shortest rubrics in Kents repertory:

Chapter – MIND Rubric – SHY (03 alphabets)

Chapter – VISION Rubric – DIM (03 alphabets)

Chapter – NOSE Rubric – RED (03 alphabets)

Chapter – ABDOMEN Rubric – FAT (03 alphabets)

Chapter – STOOL Rubric – DRY (03 alphabets)

Chapter – STOOL Rubric – HOT (03 alphabets)

Chapter – COUGH Rubric – DRY (03 alphabets)

Chapter – SLEEP Rubric – BAD (03 alphabets)

Chapter – PERSPIRATION Rubric – HOT (03 alphabets)

Chapter: – SKIN Rubric – DRY (03 alphabets)

The list of top ten largest rubrics (in terms number of words) in Kents repertory:

Chapter – COUGH Rubric – LYING aggravation face, great rattling of mucus, which appears to be low down in chest, while cough does not seem to reach there, only to throat-pit, consequently hard cough does not reach phlegm unless he lie on his face when he brings up a greenish-yellow or a pale greenish-yellow gelatinous mucus without taste (57 – Words)

Chapter – COUGH Rubric – CROUPY with sopor, stertorous breathing and wheezing, with open mouth and head thrown back; the child starts up, kicks about, is on point of suffocating, turns black and blue in face, after which cough with rattling breathing sets in again, suffocations and paralysis, of lungs appear unavoidable (52 – Words)

Chapter – HEAD Rubric – PAIN Bursting Occiput extending to top of head, is so severe she thinks head will burst and she will go crazy over head, beginning in upper cervical region, causing bursting pain in forehead and eyeballs aggravation 10 a.m. while lying, nausea, cold sweat and cold feet (48 – Words)

Chapter – HEAD Rubric – PAIN Torn, as if brain aches as if torn to pieces, morning on rising, aggravation motion, amelioration rest and warmth; passes of with much yawning as if torn or beaten to pieces, aggravation moving eyes or sitting up in bed, amelioration moderate exercise (46 – Words)

Chapter – URINARY ORGANS Rubric – URINATION dysuria pain in the sphincter vesicæ, with hyperesthesia of the skin down the course of the left sciatic nerve, pain in the left popliteus and hell, with coldness creeping over the whole course of the nerve, especially in the hell (45 – Words)

Chapter – URINARY ORGANS Rubric – URINATION retarded, must wait for urine to start press, must, a long time before he can begin continue to, must, if he stops to breathe the urine ceases to flow until he strains again must, to pass the last part (42 – Words)

Chapter – HEAD Rubric – PAIN Torn, as if brain aches as if torn to pieces, morning on rising, aggravation motion, amelioration rest and warmth; passes of with much yawning as if clasped by a hand and were being torn and twisted (40 – Words)

Chapter – URINARY ORGANS Rubric – URINATION retarded, must wait for urine to start press, must, a long time before he can begin painful and frequent urination with disposition to sit and strain a long time, after which few drops pass (38 – Words)

Chapter – MIND Rubric – DELUSIONS bed, feels as if not lying on, on waking, 4 a.m. evening, as if some one would get into and no room in it, or as if some one had sold it (37 – Words)

Chapter – URINARY ORGANS Rubric – URINATION retarded, must wait for urine to start press, must, a long time before he can begin continue to, must, if he stops to breathe the urine ceases to flow until he strains again (37 – Words)

You can very well guess the smallest rubric in terms of words is? please comment and answer 🙂

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