Complete Repertory 2024

Complete Repertory 2024 v. II, release June 2024

The reason we are updating the Complete Repertory in the middle of 2024 is threefold and triggered by the large amount of available additions (from January-May 2024 118.934 additions were made from 1072 sources):

1. From provings published in the last 70+ years, 56 provings were added by Dr. Rajesh Rajendran.

2. Additions from the Materia Medica Pura project (MMP project) by André Saine and a dedicated group of colleagues, (24.658 extra additions). The initial work was started 25+ years ago by André, with data exchange between André and me, but that exchange was postponed. André Saine and I are currently publishing the separate “Saine repertory 2024”, based on Complete Repertory 4.5 (of 1995) , enriched by the MMP project work. “Saine Repertory 2024” has mutual copyrights, André Saine’s and Roger van Zandvoort’s.

3. The usual verification work of adding Rx from clinical cases (many sources, including MMPP data) into Complete Repertory 2024 v. II has also continued. Therefore, although a lot of new proving data were entered, the percentage of clinical information (cured cases) is higher than most repertories and still on par with Complete Repertory 2024 original. We focused on clinical cases based on the remedies from the new provings and many older cases, prescribing smaller remedies. As a result higher grades frequently apply for many of these remedies in the repertory, leading to better analytical results in repertorization and therefore better results in practice.

Roger van Zandvoort

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