Complete Dynamics has the work from 4378 authors/sources including all the authentic repertoire. You name it we have it in Complete Dynamics. The latest edition contains the largest collection of verified rubrics. You will not miss any of the symptoms of your patients now! One of the most extensive works in Homeopathy.
In Complete Dynamics you can choose major authors and their work to repertorise.
For example you want to repertorise using Dr Sankaran’s work or Dr.Phatak’s work etc. You can create your own filter and repertorise using just your favorite author.
It is very very simple. All you have to do is go to
Menu > General > Preference
Click preference and it will open a new dialogue box. Then do as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as shown in the image.
Create name of of your filter
Click OK.
After creating your custom filter
Go to Book> Book selection > And select the filter that you created. Now you can repertorise with the author of your choice.