The default order in which remedies are printed, is alphabetic.
You can show the remedies in order of relevance. (Menu option View / Remedies / Sort on importance). (shift+space bar).
Alphabetic sorting order Sorted on importance
Go to the Book module by clicking on the Book tab. (Menu option View / Book, ctrl-B).
In the following example, the book is opened at the rubric Mind; Absurd.
The book layout automatically adjust itself when you resize the window.
When you make the window larger, the book will be displayed in an esthetic double page layout:
A rubric shows its text, followed by Remedies and References.
As an example, take a look at the rubric Mind; Abusive:
Remedies can be shown in 4 gradations.
The gradations are distinguished by showing them in different syles and colors.In this example, these are:
– grade 4: CHAM, LYC.
– grade 3: ABIES-N, ACON, AM-C, ANAC, ANDROC, AUR, etc.
– grade 2: Alco, Bung-f, Dulc, Merc, Nit-ac, Sil, Staph.
– grade 1: agath-a, agki-p, aloe, am-c, am-m, etc.References to other rubrics follow the list of remedies. In this example, there are 9 references.
Simple click on the reference to jump to the rubric referred to.
In compact view, only rubrics are shown, with the number of remedies they contain, hiding the remedies to optimally use the available screen space. (Menu option View / Remedies / Show remedies, toolbar button ). Use the space bar to toggle between full view and compact view.
When you press the space bar twice, also the references will be hidden, showing only the rubric names. To hide or show all remedies and references, double click on any white space of the page. You can also double click on a rubric label.