The Reverse Materia Medica will show you the most important symptoms from the repertory for the given remedy, as they are found in the Complete Repertory.
No interpretation is done by human experts, like you would normally see in regular Materia Medica, the Reverse Materia Medica is based entirely on the expertise stored in the repertory.
To go to a rubric in the Book module, simply double click on it.
More important symptoms are printed larger than less important symptoms, so you can easily distinguish the relative importance of the various symptoms.
You can modify the results with the following buttons:
Fewer symptoms. More symptoms. Filter In the filter dropdown list, you can select criteria for the rubrics that will be shown in the Reverse Materia Medica:
Automatic An automatic selection is done of the most relevant rubrics. Confirmed Symptoms Only remedies in grade 3 or 4 are used. These indicate symptoms that are confirmed in practice. Complete Symptoms Only complete symptoms are used. Symptoms are complete when they combine at least 3 different kinds of information. Example: Time + Location + Extension. Confirmed & Complete Only confirmed and complete symptoms are shown. Red line symptoms Gives preference to symptoms that occur in a related way throughout more parts in the repertory. Unique rubrics Show only rubrics where the remedy is the only occuring remedy. Differential Diagnosis on/off. If on, shows other important remedies of the symptom.
After pressing the button in the Toolbar, several additional remedies are shown for the symptoms: (Menu option View / Remedies / Show DD remedies, toolbar button
For every symptom, at most 7 alternative remedies are shown.
In the example, you will see that sometimes you see 7 remedies, but sometimes less. This is because remedies of a certain grade are only shown if ALL of them can be shown.
So if you see remedies of grade 4 and grade 3, this means that there are no other remedies in that rubric with grade 4 or 3, but there might be remedies with grade 2 or 1 that are not shown.
If you see no remedies at all, the rubric probably contains 8 or more remedies of the same importance, or there are no alternatives available at all.
To get full details about all rubrics shown in the Reverse Materia Medica, press button . (Menu option Analysis / Table, toolbar button
). This will create a temporary table style analysis of all rubrics, organized by repertory section. The analysis is stored in your current case and will be deleted when you close the case.
In addition to making a Reverse Materia Medica for a single remedy, you can also search for the most significant rubrics for a given Kingdom or Family.
To select a family, enter the name between {}. The name you enter must match the name of one of the rubrics in the Kingdoms & Families chapter. To look up a name, press the button and then button Groups…
The following example shows the Reverse Materia Medica for {spiders}.
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