An analysis view for Kingdoms & Families can be selected. (Menu option Analysis / Kingdoms & Families, toolbar button ).
The following example shows a case in which Stramonium was the selected remedy.
In the family analysis, the more relevant families are drawn larger than the less relevant families. The families that appear to be of very low relevance, are not drawn at all.
In the example, you see that the most relevant families are the Solanaceae and the Loganiaceae. The Solanaceae are evident, since Stramonium is a member of the Solanaceae. But you would probably like to know why the Loganiaceae are considered relevant too.
Double click on Solanaceae and on Loganiaceae. Extra information is now shown, in the form of multiple analysis results for each family. The first analysis list is an generic analysis for all remedies.
Whenever you double click on a family in the graph, it is placed at the left side of the added families. So if you were now to click again on Solanaceae, it would be placed between Standard and Loganiaceae.
You can show or hide this extra information any time you want. (Toolbar button ).
When studying the relevance of families in an analysis, you need to be able to see the relationships between families and remedies.
Just click on a family in the graph to see how its remedies score in the analysis. You will notice that also the corresponding families are highlighted in the family graph. This allows you to quickly see how families are related.
If you click on a remedy name, that remedy will be highlighted in the different analyses. Also, all families which contain that remedy are highlighted in the graph.
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