Cured Cases and Disease Templates

For the first time Dr.Nisanth Nambison & Dr.Smita Nambison present Pre-Repertorised templates to make your prescribing a breeze.

  1. Pre-Repertorised Case files of stalwarts like Hahnemann, Kent etc. These Case files will give you a firsthand experience of rubrics chosen by them, choice of remedy, the failures, the corrections, the follow up & how was a successful cure achieved. Learn and replicate their style of prescribing.
  2. Pre-Repertorised templates of diseases with their already known symptoms. Now, you can open a particular pre-repertorised disease template (malaria, renal stone) to save time in analysis of your case, add peculiar, rare individualizing symptom increase the weight of the individualizing symptom to arrive at the similimum, it becomes that simple now. So, you can open up a template of a particular disease & use it for your patient, for your study, see the group of rubrics representing the disease, copy, add or subtract symptoms (to differentiate between symptoms of disease and symptoms of a person), cross examine your patients using rubrics in the template, re-confirm diagnosis, fine tune as per your case requirement.

Learn – Save time – Diagnose & Individualize – Cure !

Cured Cases group:

On purchasing Pre-Repertorised templates you will get a list of cases cured by stalwarts.

Opening the Cured cases module

  • Go to the Case module by clicking on the group Cured Cases tab. (Menu option View / Case, cured cases).

Selecting the right case file

On clicking the cases the respective case file can be viewed.

Case file summary

When you have selected a case file, part of the case information is drawn at the right side.

The information includes:

  • Name of the author of the case.
  • Patient information (name, address, birth date).
  • A photo (if present).
  • List of most recent prescriptions.


  1. In the patient information the name of the disease/illness is shown and the final remedy that cured the case.
  2. You can also see the case background and other details.
  3. On prescription tab, you will get the details of the prescribed remedies and also their follow-up cases
  4. Available analysis is also seen at the right side of prescription tab which have details of the analysis

Available analysis Details

Double click the Available analysis (1.) to see the notes and other relevant details in the case (2.).

Prescription Details

Double click the medicine in the Rx list to see the prescription details like the potency, reaction to the medicine, instructions given by them etc.

  1. In the prescription details, you can see the Name of the remedy, Potency selected, Reaction of remedy to the patient registered by the stalwarts, Instructions of prescribing the remedy, Notes, and details of time of prescription

  2. Analysis of Pre-Repertorised templates

    Go to the Analysis module by double clicking on the description details of Available Analysis tab.

    The window is divided into two sections:

    • the symptoms and rubrics used for this analysis,
    • the analysis results.


Here you can see Lachesis is the first remedy in the analysis chart. And the final prescription which cured the case is far behind.

But the next analysis chart will make it amply clear that Fluoric acid was a good choice.

The Standard analysis shows the results based upon carefully selected parameters.

Small remedies In this result, smaller remedies are given more importance than larger remedies (polychrests). This compensates for the unequal occurrence of remedies throughout the repertory. Polychrests are not left out of the analysis, it is just that their dominance is reduced.


Add Pre-Repertorised templates to your analysis

Now, you can add disease template into your case by choosing the Disease Template

From the available analysis tab, right click on the tab then select Add analysis from template, Alt+T

Then select an analysis from the list given and select Ok. You can create and modify templates in the case Analysis Templates in group other.


Let’s take an example of cases of Rheumatic fever. To select the this template case, select the Disease (1.) of your patient and add into your analysis (2.).

After adding the template into your analysis. Go to the analysis tab from menu.

Here you can see Sulphur is the first remedy indicated in the classical symptoms of Rheumatic Fever. Please note the rubrics which can also give you the clue for cross examining patients and confirm the diagnosis. Now that you have the general symptoms of the disease for anamnesis when you see a rare, peculiar symptom in your patient and then include it in the repertorisation it will give you a deep insight into a new remedy. According to the presentation of your case you can very well add or delete other symptoms.


Adding the peculiar symptoms in Pre-Repertorised templates

With a Case opened and an analysis selected, a new Symptom can be added to an Pre-Repertorised templates Analysis. Add a symptom to the analysis through Menu option Case / Add symptom, alt-S


In the same case of Rheumatic Fever where Sulphur was the first indicated remedy on adding the peculiar individualising symptom Generalities; hard; bed, sensation of and increasing the weight to 4, the first remedy has been replaced by Silicea.

This and several such tricks will immensely help you arrive at similimum quickly and precisely for making a great cure! Enjoy repertorising.

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